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Interview: Call of Duty

FileFront has put together an awesome interview with one of the guys responsible for the game Call of Duty. It's worth checking out if you a Call of Duty fan.

Q: Would you mind introducing yourself? What's your position at Infinity Ward? What aspect of the game did you work on for Call of Duty?

Vince Zampella: I am Vince Zampella, the CCO of Infinity Ward.

Q: The idea of a World War II era shooter isn't new to the industry. Between Medal of Honor, Day of Defeat, and Battlefield 1942, the scene was crowded with very successful games similar to Call of Duty. When you were developing Call of Duty, what made you think that you could set it apart from the rest?

VZ: To me, the fact that there are several successful WWII games doesn't make it played out, I think it reinforces the setting. There is an enormous amount of history to draw from, a lot of which is amazingly rich in detail and emotion. I think people know just enough about WWII for it to be familiar, and to peak their interest.

News source: FileFront

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