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Interview: NVIDIA, RSX and the future

On Thursday, we sat down with David Kirk for a chat about the future of NVIDIA and its technology. David is the Chief Scientist at NVIDIA: his job is to oversee the technology progression, and, simply, to create the next generations of graphics technology. If there's a man that knows what the future holds for PC gamers, then, it's him.

Looking back at G70

The G70 launch - the 7800 GTX - has come and gone, though there are still other members of the GeForce 7xxx family to be introduced. Generally hailed as a stonking success, doubling the power of the 6800 series, we thought it rocked. We asked David how he thought the launch had gone. "I personally didn't work on it, but the team did a tremendous job. They set out to double performance from the previous generation. The hardest part was to do that and reduce power at the same time.

News source: bit-tech.net

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