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iTunes installer kills extra partitions!

Oops... looks like apple didn't do their homework, with the initial release of their iTunes installer!

Apple has this notice on their iTunes site...

    An important note for those who have downloaded iTunes 2.0 for Mac OS X:

    Apple has identified an installer issue with iTunes 2.0 for Mac OS X that affects a limited number of systems running Mac OS X with multiple volumes (drives or partitions) mounted. For those systems, running the iTunes 2.0 installer can result in loss of user data.

    While this error is highly unlikely to affect most users, Apple strongly advises that anyone who has downloaded the 2.0 version of iTunes for Mac OS X, as well as anyone who has a beta version of iTunes 2.0 for Mac OS X, immediately remove the iTunes.pkg installer file from their system.

    A new version that corrects this issue, iTunes 2.0.1 for Mac OS X, is now available from this page. Users who have already installed iTunes 2.0 without incident do not need to reinstall iTunes 2.0.1, but they should still immediately remove the 2.0 installer file from their system. This issue does not affect users of iTunes 2.0 for Mac OS 9.

Click the
..Read More link for more technical details...

News source: Slashdot

View: Apple iTunes Important notice

View: MacNN forum post discussing the iTunes issue

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