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NiceHello steals your MSN Messenger password

A recently discovered virus codenamed Win32.NiceHello.A@mm is spreading as an e-mail attachment and targets MSN Messenger users.

The virus sends email messages (in the format described above) to the user's MSN/.NET Messenger's contacts to mass-multiply itself. It also tries to send a notification email:

From: nemesis@olimpo.com

To: jcrivas77@yahoo.com

Subject: Hello world :) have a nice day


Eventually, a message box with "Microsoft Windows XP or greated required!" appears.

    How to see if you're infected:

  • The file "systemsys64dvr.exe" or "system32sys64dvr.exe" exists in the Windows folder.

  • There's a registry entry "HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRunSystem 64 Driver for Games" = "sys64drv.exe".

Delete this file and registry entry to disinfect.

View: BitDefender.com advice

News source: Mess with MSN Messenger

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