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Sharp Introduces 3-D Computer Display

As kid I can remember using those cheap 3D glasses you'd get in movie theaters, or even comic books to look at 2D base objects. You know things like pictures, TV shows, etc... Today Sharp has released a 3D 15-inch LCD display for consumers (LL-151-3D). This new display is priced at $1,499, but even at that price it's still pretty attractive. It's no secret that Sharp wasn't the first kid on block with a 3D LCD (excluding its laptop lineup), but Sharp can be credited with pushing this technology into the consumer market.

The idea for 3D displays isn't anything new medical and scientific industries have been using them for quite a while now. This consumer targeted 3D display is definitely worth mentioning. Sharp's 3D display allows users to switch between 2D and 3D modes. As you can guess with the 2D mode you get a basic picture. When using the 3D mode a special layer on the LCD is activated giving you the illusion of a 3D view.

What's even more impressive is that the 3D display works with 2D based images. If you want to see the best 3D illusion you'll need programs that offer support for Sharp's 3D display. It's worth noting that Sharp is working hard with ATI and Nvidia to deliver 3D image support. Not stopping there Sharp is also partnering up with technology giants Sony, Sanyo, and Toshiba. Together these companies will help with the adoption of this new consumer display technology.

Since Sharp introduced its 3D display last year it's been getting a lot of attention. Including two different display modes for users which will probably be the key selling point. Especially when Sharp is still lining up partners for its 3D display. Right now not many (if any) programs can fully take advantage of this technology. So giving the users the option to switch back to the 2D mode if the 3D mode isn't working properly is just a great move.

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