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Sony confirm new Tekken for UK

Nina's solo adventure heads for our shores

Namco's Nina Williams-starring Tekken prequel has finally been given the green light for a UK release by Sony. The femme fatale has always been one of the best fighters in Tekken, with her wincing kick to the nuts being particularly memorable, and the new game Death by Degrees puts her in an action-adventure setting. This is the title that was previously known as Nina - check out Edge's early preview for an overview of the game.

One thing we're not too sure about is the control system. Rather than adapting and reworking Tekken 4's walking beat-'em-up Force mode, which we liked, they've gone for an attack system that works off the right analogue stick (somewhat similar to Grabbed By The Ghoulies). We can't say how successfully this works (or not) without playing the game but we're somewhat dubious of this approach. Tekken fans would want the ability to pull off trademark moves and complicated combos - we doubt that will be possible with the fighting system in DBD.

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News source: gamesradar.com

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