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Tumult HyperEdit

While reading today's technology section in The Independent (a UK newspaper), i stumbled upon a great little tool which mac web developers (and hopefully soon windows) will find very useful.

"Tumult HyperEdit is a lightweight HTML editor with a preview pane that displays the web page live as you type. HyperEdit breaks the tedious cycle of writing html, saving the file, then reloading and viewing the page in the browser by combining the writing phase with the viewing phase. This clarifies the effects of your changes and speeds up the overall process of making a web page. It uses the same rendering engine found in Safari, so it is not only standards compliant, but also very fast."

So, a little bit like Dreamweavers Code and Design panes, but alot less expensive, and by the looks of it done in alot better fashion.

HyperEdit can be used for:

* Testing HTML to make sure it looks exactly as you want it.

* Testing and executing PHP code.

* Writing forum, blog, or journal entries.

* Interactively trying out CSS code.

* Running and debugging Javascript.

* And creating whole websites.

Find out more regarding features on it's website. Go check it out!

View: Homepage

Download: Download - MAC only

Screenshot: >> Main Pane

Screenshot: >> Java Script Console

Screenshot: >> CSS

Screenshot: >> Live PHP

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