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Windows More Secure Than Linux? Yep!

Thanks Stuart for informing me of this article posted by Paul Thurrott on Wininformant. This offers a rare insight on changing attitudes towards Microsoft and its commitment to security in its Windows Operating Systems.

For at least the first 8 months of 2001, open-source poster child Linux was far less secure than Windows, according to the reputable NTBugTraq, which is hosted by SecurityFocus, the leading provider of security information about the Internet. (The company's 2001 statistics are available only through August 2001 for the time being.) According to NTBugTraq, Windows 2000 Server had less than half as many security vulnerabilities as Linux during the reported period. When you break the numbers down by Linux distribution, Win2K had fewer vulnerabilities than RedHat Linux 7.0 or MandrakeSoft Mandrake Linux 7.2, and it tied with UNIX-leader Sun Microsystems Solaris 8.0 and 7.0. A look at the previous 5 years--for which the data is more complete--also shows that each year, Win2K and Windows NT had far fewer security vulnerabilities than Linux, despite the fact that Windows is deployed on a far wider basis than any version of Linux. So once again, folks, you have to ask yourselves: Is Windows really

less secure than Linux? Or is this one of those incredible perception issues?

For more information and the complete stats, visit the SecurityFocus Web site

News source: Wininformant

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