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Windows XP Pro / Home Service Pack 1 Utility

ooh is that what they call it now ;) back in the day this was a "Windows Boot Disk" but ok. Thanks Warp2search for the heads up on this release from Microsoft.

The Windows XP startup disk allows computers without a bootable CD-ROM to perform a new installation of the operating system. The Windows XP startup disk will automatically load the correct drivers to gain access to the CD-ROM drive and start a new installation of Setup. You cannot upgrade from a Windows XP startup disk.

Windows XP Home Edition startup disks will not work for Windows XP Professional installations and vice-versa.

Download: Windows XP Professional Boot Disk (SP1) (4.3mb)

Download: Windows XP Home Edition Boot Disk (SP1) (4.3mb)

View: Setup Disks for Floppy Boot Install (Pro)

View: Setup Disks for Floppy Boot Install (Home)

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