Does whisky keep you warm? IE asks that question in latest ‘browser you love to hate' video

Microsoft’s ‘Browser you love to hate’ campaign for Internet Explorer has provided a bit of comic relief when it comes to taking a new look at its browser. Sure, IE may have had a bit of a perception issue in the later part of the last decade but with IE 10 and now IE 11, Microsoft has made serious strides in pushing IE back into the soft spot of our hearts. Well, some of our hearts anyway.

Back again with a new video, the IE team wants you to take a new look at the browser with a song ‘Things Aren"t Always What They Seem’. The video, which is a song form, asks a lot of questions such as does whiskey keep you warm and do Twinkies really last forever?

These creative campaigns have been a refreshing take on how to promote your product and the IE team has capitalized on this idea with several videos in recent months that have been well received.

While this latest campaign may lack some of the humor of the previous clips, it is engaging and witty. The animations and questions asked are likely to convince you to browse to the URL at the end of the clip to find out the answers for yourself.

The IE team has been promoting the browser on several fronts from the last year or so. While we have theses lighthearted campaigns revolving around the ‘browser you love to hate’ there are also more technical examples of the browsers HTML5 capabilities too.

Source: Microsoft

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