Eve is going to start handling sales for its products

In 2017, a company called Eve got the attention of many in the Windows community thanks to its attempt to create a crowd-based computer that was not just funded by its fans, but actively developed by them. The company listened to the community for some time and ultimately released the Eve V, which earned itself a very positive review from our own Usama Jawad.

The problem with it was that Eve had a lot of trouble fulfilling orders for the device, and about a year ago, only 65% of them had been fulfilled. Today, the company has finally addressed this issue, saying it will begin handling sales directly through a new website.

In the statement released today, CEO Konstatinos Karatsevidis mentions that the company"s goal from the start was to focus on R&D and design, while other aspects of its business, such as sales and manufacturing, would be handled by its partners. Eve licensed its brand to sales partners around the world, entering agreements that would last two to three years.

Unfortunately, Fortress Tech Distribution, the partner handling the purchases made online through eve-tech.com, had issues with the supply chain, which ultimately resulted in the delays mentioned above. Eve was unable to talk about the problem with the public until now due to a restrictive non-disclosure agreement as part of the licensing deal.

Now that the licensing deal is over, Eve will be moving sales of its devices to a new website, evedevices.com, where its team will handle sales directly with the backing of PCH International. According to PCH"s website, the company works with customers including Google, Sonos, GoPro, and other big companies, so this should be good news for Eve.

Eve is also working with high-profile component manufacturers now, thanks to the reputation it earned with the Eve V. The company has been working with LG for its upcoming monitor, currently known as Project Spectrum, and with Grandsun for Project Muse, which will be a pair of over-ear headphones. Eve is also working on a few other projects, which you can learn about on its community forums.

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