Facebook records 2 billion daily active users and outlines Messenger plans

Meta has announced that Facebook is off to a “great start” this year. The company said that its flagship platform has recently seen 2 billion daily active users, showing that “Facebook is not dead nor dying, but in fact alive and thriving”. Aside from touting impressive stats, Meta also outlined some plans it has for its popular Messenger service.

The company has said that it would like for people to share what they find on Facebook more easily via messaging without having to switch to another app. On this front, Meta has said that it’s testing the ability to access your Messenger inbox from within the Facebook app, and it plans to expand this to more people soon. For those who have been using the Facebook app for a long time, you might remember that Messenger (or Chat as it was known then) was baked right into the Facebook app.

Outlining the importance of messaging apps to Meta, the company revealed that 140 billion messages are sent across its apps each day. On Instagram, Reels are shared in DMs a billion times per day and on Facebook this trend is “growing strongly as well”.

Topping off its comments about messaging services, Meta said that it will build more ways to integrate messaging features into Facebook this year. Its target is to make connecting and sharing easy and convenient across its whole library of platforms.

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