Fallout Shelter, YouTube and Cuphead are coming to Tesla cars

If you came across the announcement for today"s E3 Coliseum panel, which featured Bethesda Game Studios director Todd Howard and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, you couldn"t have missed the obligatory jokes about Bethesda porting Skyrim to Tesla cars.

Unfortunately, while Howard did kindly let down an audience member hoping for that eventuality, he and Musk did announce that they were working on "something smaller": a Fallout Shelter port made for Tesla cars. The duo described it as a "great starting point" so, who knows, the Skyrim faithful may one day be able to finally roam the halls of the College of Winterhold from the comfort of their electric-powered unirradiated vehicle.

Fallout Shelter will be making its way to Tesla cars for free at some point in the future, and the car will, thankfully, need to be parked before you can engross yourself in the important business of micromanaging the lives of your myriad of vault dwellers.

Alongside this, Musk also had a few other entertainment-related announcements to share onstage. Firstly, YouTube will also be making its way to Tesla cars. Musk also showcased some of the other games that will become available to Tesla owners in the future: Cuphead, which had been previously announced, and Beach Buggy Racing 2, where you can actually use your Tesla"s steering wheel and controls to maneuver in the game.

The rest of the talk covers the two"s views on the intersection between gaming and technology and other tidbits, like Musk - who is a fan of Bethesda"s game - wanting a life-size statue of the Vault Boy for a birthday party. Howard also discusses his experience visiting SpaceX to get more ideas about how to portray space travel realistically for the studio"s upcoming Starfield. You can watch the entire panel above.

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