File sharing religion weds first couple

A Kopimistic wedding isn"t all that different from a regular wedding. It"s just that the priest – err, "Op" is the correct term – happens to be wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, a computer reads the vows, and the groom is clad in pirate garb (no comment on the bride"s dress). Alright, so it"s nothing like a regular wedding, but whatever does it for you, right? According to US News, just such an event went unpublicized late last month.

Kopimism, a religion built around file sharing, was officially recognized as a religion by Sweden back in January. The wedding between a Romanian bride and her Italian groom at Belgrade"s SHARE conference was the first of its kind. In case you"re curious about what sort of vows a religion built around file sharing might have, we"ve copied them below (irony intended):

We are here to announce a new pair of noble peers. Copying of information is simply right. Dissemination of information is ethically right. Copying and remixing information communicated by another person is seen as an act of respect. Do you want to share your love, your knowledge, and your feelings with [the bride] as long as that information exists?

Okay... Moving on, Isak Gerson, the founder of Kopimism, who also attended the ceremony as a witness, wished the couple well in a statement on the religion"s official website. “Hopefully, they will copy and remix some DNA-cells and create a new human being. That is the spirit of Kopimism. Feel the love and share that information. Copy all of its holiness... copy and seed,” he wrote.

Yeah, we"ll leave you on that note, but we are curious to hear some of your thoughts on the ceremony, and file sharing as a way of life.

Image via Det Missionerande Kopimistsamfundet

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