Intel buries Bluetooth standard

Thanks PM5K of PlanetNexiz for heads up on this (if not sad news)

Bluetooth has already lost the battle to become the wireless network standard, according to the head of Intel"s communications strategy.

Bluetooth--which lets cell phones, notebooks and other devices create wireless networks that can then link to the Web--is not going to become a mainstream technology, according to Sean Maloney, vice president and general manager of the Intel Communications Group. Maloney made the comments during a press conference Wednesday at the Intel Developer Forum here.

Instead, 802.11 will emerge as the de facto standard for connecting wirelessly to the Internet.

"802.11 has won. Bluetooth is in full retreat from Moscow at the moment," Maloney said, alluding to Napoleon"s dispirited withdrawal after a bruising campaign in Russia. "It may end up winning but right now it isn"t...Bluetooth will survive but it will be a much more niche product than expected."

News source: ZDNet

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