Microsoft Services: Windows Is the Hub

Microsoft"s chief software architect surely isn"t its chief orator. Ray Ozzie"s sentence construction makes his speeches great generalizations bereft of real details. Ray had lots to say during Microsoft"s annual Financial Analysts Meeting today. But like past speeches, this one had a disjointed character. He talks about "the mesh"—well that"s how I would describe his keynote. A mesh. Maybe smart people don"t think linearly.

But through all the miserably winding sentences, something startling emerged. Microsoft"s Web services strategy is Windows-centric after all. Whatever "the mesh" is going to be, Windows or Windows Mobile will be required. Ray started his keynote by speaking about his three years at Microsoft and how in the early days he saw that "a large industry shift was on the way." Part of the shift: "Service-enhanced software."

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