NeoBytes :) Microsoft's archive has some odd stuff


Microsoft was founded in 1975 in Albuquerque, New Mexico and, as you might expect, a company that old has generated quite a few artifacts that are of historical significance, along with some other things that are just odd. The task of making sure that these kinds of papers, software and objects are saved for Microsoft"s use is the job of the company"s archivist Amy Stevenson.

In a new video posted on Microsoft"s Channel 9 website, we get a brief tour of the company"s archive room with Stevenson and host Luke Burbank. Stevenson points out a number of interesting items that the company has saved for prosperity, such as Bill Gates" chairs that he used in the early 1980s. 

The archive was first started in 1989 and now has collected 65,000 items, ranging from Gates" Harvard transcripts to the receipt for the carpet that was put in the company"s first Albuquerque office. However, the video concentrates on some of the oddest artifacts in the archive, such as a plastic prop full of skulls with red writing on them to a full size Clippy costume that was worn by an actual person in front of Gates on stage. 

The video page says that the "Scariest artifact" in the archive is "A life-like Bill Gates doll (wearing a jogging suit), sent by a Russian doll artist." Unfortunately, that piece of Microsoft history is not shown in the video. Oh well.

Source: Microsoft via WinBeta

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