Neowin Updates - Part XXIII

Hehe, actually I dunno how many times I"ve made an update announcement, but here goes. Changes on Neowin recently.

  • Category View update. (now hides the view you are on)

  • Added Bookmark and Set Homepage.

  • Recent News posts display fixed & text made a bit longer.

  • Cookie timeout fixed. (let me know if the poll keeps resetting)

  • Anti-leech script now in use to block hotlinked images.

  • Category stats added to Software and Games news.

  • Mac and Tweaks section deleted.

  • Forum main table updated to show recent news posts.

  • Many moderators added to Neowin forums. (we are not taking on any more!)

  • Windows XP Visual Styles forum added.

    Some description to a few changes, The Anti-leech script was needed because we have found a few sites to be hotlinking our images, taking away precious bandwidth for Neowin which we really do need as we get more popular each month. Another big problem is that the poll keeps timing out, I have been able to vote at least 15x, again we are working on it. We deleted the Mac and Tweaks sections because basically they were not very popular, you can find mac news here and tweaks in the menu and on the forums, we still have it covered, so dont worry. Also we have some great moderators on the forums now, All of which you know to be helpful. It pleases me alot to see the board grow into a real community like it is today. It makes this all worth it.

    Again thanks everyone for your support, if there are problems, leave a note here please. :)

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