Palm releases details of its next OS

Two days after Palm released its first device running PalmOS 5, PalmSource has offered us a glimpse of the next milestone for PalmOS, version 6.0 due for release next year.

Hmmm, methinks how this will affect buyers of the Tungsten-T running PalmOS 5, or the upcoming Tungsten-W set to run the superceded 4.1?

Version 6.0 will be as dramatic a change for the platform as OS X was for Apple, or NT was for Microsoft, and represents the culmination of work from the former Be team Palm acquired last year.

The new OS will feature multimedia and graphics frameworks drawn from BeOS, PalmSource"s Michael Mace told us. Mace says this is real BeOS code, but Steve Sakoman, the team"s former leader at Be Inc, and now PalmSource"s "chief products officer" has denied that Be code would be incorporated into the new OS. More likely, we suspect, the new OS will inherit some algorithms and architecture from BeOS.

Version 6.0 will feature granular, application-level security and pluggable I/O interfaces. Which means that licensees can swap out the Graffiti input mechanism for an alternative, such as biometrics. Application developers need not concern themselves with the specifics: apps will simply receive an event. Mace also said PalmSource intended the make the new OS Microsoft .NET compatible, and will likely partner with others to provide a run time for the platform.

View: PalmOS 6 details emerge

News source: The Reg

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