PC makers to adopt chips used in MacBook Air

Processors specially developed by Intel for Apple"s new MacBook Air laptop will soon be used by other PC vendors in systems, possibly creating competition for what Apple calls the world"s lightest and thinnest notebook. Two PC makers will use the miniaturized Intel Core 2 Duo processors used by Apple in MacBook Air, said a source familiar with Intel"s plans. Systems powered by the chips will be released soon, the source said.

The companies" names weren"t revealed, but the chip could bring smaller and lighter notebooks that could compete in size and performance with the ultra-thin MacBook Air, which weighs 3 pounds (1.3 kilograms) and measures 0.16 inches (0.4 centimeters) at its thinnest part and 0.76 inches (1.93 cms) at its thickest part

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