Plastic Pentium ruled out of court

A FIRM MAKING plastic parts in India was told to stop trading as Pentium Industries after Intel sued it for using its name. But, Intel claimed, after it approached Pentium Industries, the Gujarati firm demanded a large sum of money to surrender its name.

Intel said it first asked Pentium Industries to change its name but sued it because attempts to settle failed. The high court in Indian capital Delhi, found against Pentium Industries and ordered it to stop using the name and the domain name

Intel spent a fortune devising the trade name Pentium after it realised that its competitors could use numbers like 486 and 586 with impunity under trademark laws. The word "Pentium" is sort of vaguely related to the number five. So if you add things up, the Pentium IV is the Pentium nine. When the Pentium V comes out – if Intel calls Prescott the Pentium V – that will be the Pentium Pentium, we suppose

News source: The Inq

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