Steam beta client now supports Nintendo's Switch Pro Controller

Steam has generally been great when it comes to third-party controller support, which already includes support for Xbox, PlayStation, and other generic controllers. Steam"s UI, especially the Big Picture Mode has thoughtfully matured over the years and makes navigating it using third-party controllers a breeze. With today’s update, the beta client adds support for Nintendo’s Switch Pro Controller. Reviews for the Switch Pro Controller have generally been great, and I’ve personally found it to be more comfortable to use over longer durations compared to the Joy-Cons.

So if you own a Switch Pro Controller and want to take it for a spin, opt into the Steam beta and enable support for it under Controller Settings. Make sure you select some other controllers on that list too, so you can manage your configurations for each game discretely. Before taking it for a spin, make sure to also link the controller to your account and calibrate the gyroscope and button layout options.

Once set up, you can create custom configurations on a per-game basis using the Steam Input Configurator or you can also try out some community configurations if you’d like. The new beta is already live right now, so head on over and let the testing commence.

Source: Steam Community

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