Storage makers support Bluefin software standard

More than a dozen technology companies have created a standard for data-storage software called "bluefin" that will make it easier to manage their different storage products, according to a source familiar with the technology.

Data-storage makers, including IBM, EMC, Hitachi and Hewlett-Packard are backing the technology. The companies are expected to unveil the new standard as a group Wednesday.

Some of the companies involved said they would defer comment until the public announcement Wednesday.

George Gilbert, an analyst for Credit Suisse First Boston, said that hardware vendors are focused on interoperability right now as they try to tap into the profitable software part of the business.

"Everyone who is selling hardware has to have that hardware be managed. My guess is that"s what this is about--making it easy to manage multiple vendors" hardware," Gilbert said.

"That will only accelerate the time when the software layer, or managing level, takes off, and that has been a little bit stunted," Gilbert said.

EMC announced plans for such software last year, while IBM says it expects to have a product ready in 2003.

News source: ZDNet

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