Old Longhorn Glass Findings

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In conjunction with Neowin I have been able to supply some glass bits from older Longhorn builds. These are all the directx objects found in shell32.dll, browseui.dll, and others. If there is any confusion with what you see in this pack I'll clarify a bit more. aeroxp.net have been finding some interesting things and I've got some things to add. I'll soon have a theme for you all which allows you to enable everything just shy of transparent taskbar and sidebar although I am working on that now. Enjoy these findings.


Download the pack here -


Bonus -

Here are some aero concept pictures from Kerry Hammil. They depict a conceptual DWM border which would normally reside in the aero.theme file or perhaps uxdesk.dll.

Aero DWM Border Concept Image 1

Aero DWM Border Concept Image 2

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nice find, i was wondering when this app would finally get out. theres other fx files too ;) just look harder

You could provide your findings to prove as such if you wish. I didn't include the UIFile XAML residing in 3683 and 3718, if that's what you're referring to.

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You will need a DX9 GPU to see the glass objects. If you get an error with the applications then you should update your directx version.

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no im referring to the other set of demos and mesh files that have been around since 1999, youre glass demos are older than you think ;)

Windows mesh files that have been around since Windows ME/Windows 2000 RTM time? I think not. Please prove me wrong. It wasnt until milestone 4 that the mesh files were in the format the currently are. Prior to that, they were UI XAML files. Games have been using mesh files forever though. Microsoft didn't have glass demos or mesh files back in windows 2000. Please prove me wrong.

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DX 9b is enough?

Yes but you must have a directx graphics card which supports pixel shader 2.0 although previous ps version may be supported. You need something like an ati 9800 pro. Nvidia MX440 won't work.

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glass demos are older than you think ;)

So true. This exactly same rar has been on my hdd since last fall, and I bet many many others had these same things too. But now this is more public.

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will my geforce fx 5500 work with longhorn effect's if it doe's i'm gonna intall it and have a play also how do you enable all the effects :cool:

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WTF?!  thats so weird... is this judge judy on longhorn?

Microsoft released a couple of movies a while back showing different parts of longhorn. One was about a doctor's office PC that handled all the patient info, one was about a real estate agent who could get 3d areal views of the house he was selling. MS has the idea that they need to appeal to 'professionals' I guess.

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I thought I mentioned that these were old in the subject? Why is it becoming a point to make if I already mentioned that? Im off to take an eyelash.

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,Jul 28 2004, 20:53] I'v come to the conclusion that Windows Longhorn is going to be like 40 dvd's.

How would a OS ahve something built in for a court case? :wacko:

it doesn't its a *conceptual* demo of what it will be able to do

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