[release] FlyakiteOSX v3.0

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Alright, FlyakiteOSX is officially finished! All of the information for FlyakiteOSX can be found on the official site.

Just to let you know, when you all start to IM me and PM me right around release time, it makes it VERY difficult for me to make this post and finish up the post.

Thanks everyone for your support and patience!


EDIT: The site may be slow to load, it is getting hammered. Hopefully someday I'll have dedicated hosting (hint hint wink wink)

Edited by flyakite
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Shouldnt the readme have been an rtf and not a txt? :raises eyebrow:

But yea, ive said it before, and i'll say it again- great work.. very much appreciated by everyone including myself :D thanks!

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Looks great! It's unbelieveable how easy this is to install and configure, and just how much it changes.

Search Spy will flip out and throw a bunch of errors if you hit Ctrl-Alt-Del (I'm on a domain).

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Probably, but it works fine if you open it in Wordpad, that's what I made it in.

If the site is not loading, try opening it in IE (firefox times out more) or try this: http://osx.portraitofakite.com.nyud.net:8090/

Much faster, thanks :)

Not tried this before, or even seen it, but from the looks of the website - I'm downloading straight away :)

NOTE: None of the download links worked at all in IE just by clicking them. I had to retype them manually in a separate window.

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Probably, but it works fine if you open it in Wordpad, that's what I made it in.

yeah but dont .txt files open by default in notepad? it does that on my system.. and in notepad, all the formatting is just shown as plaintext like.. "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Tahoma;}"

.rtf files open by default in wordpad. it looks good in wordpad.

im not trying to be a jerk or anything though.. :blush: :wacko:

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ok question and i know you anwered it already but wheres the file something on top? and how come you don't include y'z toolbar on this since you have his y'z shadow? just wondering... won't that add up the look?

and everything else is great. just finished downloading and installing.

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