Windows 7 Beta Network (file transfer) Problem

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I am running Windows 7 Beta Build 7000 on my desktop, and Vista Ultimate on my laptop. I have them connected through a router in a home network. Both machines have static IP addresses assigned. Here's my problem: When I try to transfer a large file (1, 2 or more GB) from the laptop to my desktop, initiated from the desktop, the transfer begins. But, after a while, there is a short interruption in the transfer. I see this as a sudden drop of the transfer rate on the network monitor. The transfer then begins again from the start. Again another short interruption. After a few occurrences like this, I get an error message on my desktop saying the the file cannot be found. Hoping that someone can shed some light on this. Thank you!

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I have a similar problem transferring from my laptop to my NAS over wireless. I'm fairly sure that 7 is doing something to make the router/switch do something to crap out.

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Have you got the latest updates on your Vista machine? because there is a known bug for large file transfers using Vista and they released a patch to fix it a while back

Hi Neobond. Ya, I did have the hotfix already installed. I suspect it's Windows 7 issue, since I didn't have the problem when I was running Vista on both machines. Here are some of the things I have already tried: disabled TCP/IPv6; unchecked the Power Management button on the NIC; assigned static IP on both machines. I can run multimedia files over the network, and do medium-sized file transfers, but not large ones due to these intermittent dropouts. I have also noticed that after the transfer fails, and the transfer status window freezes, the network still continues to transfer data at a reduced rate for many minutes before coming to a standstill. Any other thoughts?

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Are you using a long cable between the two pc? Also have you updated the drivers on the network card on the 7 machine? I read this on a gaming forum setting a lan party having trouble with tranfer speed

Fire up Registry Editor and navigate your way down to:



Once there find STRING called DependOnService. Right-click on this entry and choose Modify � and then from the Value data remove MMCSS. Click OK, close the Registry Editor and reboot your PC. Next, go into Services (the quickest way to get to this is to type services into the Start Search box and click on the entry that appears) and then find the Multimedia Class Scheduler service. Once found, right-click on it and Properties and change the Startup type from Automatic to Disabled. Click OK and then reboot.

worked for me

Basically the MMCSS throttles bandwidth in vista. it has something to do with streaming video and audio, was meant to optimize it. Instead its flawed and ends up throttling your network speed greatly.

Need to clear up a miss understanding on drivers here.When you install an OS to a machine and you look in the control manager and you see all you hardware is install and working most think that everything is ok. Most drivers that come with the os are function drivers they provide the basic fuction on the hardware but if you want full fuction you have to install the vendors drivers. Most drivers on windows update are not newer drivers but a change in a driver from problems that a group people were having. It could be an older driver that you all ready have installed.

Edited by charles48864
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Hi, charles48864. Thank you for such wonderfully detailed instructions! By the time I saw your instructions, I had already installed Windows 7 on my laptop as well, and found that the file transfer problem to disappear after that. I followed your registry hack and services instructions nonetheless on both machines. I am presuming that this will only make things better. Or, will this have a detrimental effect on streaming multimedia between the machines?

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