Ferrari Enzo

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I was in Toronto this past weekend visiting the girlfriend. We were driving down a the street when she tapped me on the leg saying casually, "isn't that a Ferrari?"

I looked over to see none other than a brand new Ferrari Enzo. Here's my proof...


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Wasn't just parked on the streets. There was a guy watching it who let me take the pics.

Actually let me look inside it as I held open the doors....oh that was cool

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We were on Avenue Road just coming up to Pusitari's. Such a nice neighbourhood....yay for rich girlfriends (or should I say her parents).

Ferrari's are quite a common occurance around that area. The owner of Pusitari's has a nice red 360 Modena....

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Well, her Dad is the VP for HSBC so they don't have much problem living in that area.

Ferrari's, Porche's, BMW, Mercedes...common occurances. It's fantastic. Other than visiting the g'f, I love just checking out the nice cars. :D

*note to self* GIRL FIRST!!!

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it looks like a dust buster... but the performance of that thing is far from it.

did it have Quebec plates on it? cause the only Ferrari dealership in canada is in Montreal and its across the street from my office :) That car isnt available to anyone, u have to be an owner of a previous ferrari and hvae to had taken courses to learn how to drive that car... i see ferraris everyday, havent seen the enzo though there was an F50 parked outside a lil while ago

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Thank you for providing us with the wonderful pictures. Despite its..erm.."bold" styling, the sound of the Enzo's engine gives me chills - I should know, I work about 15 minutes from the Ferrari of North America headquarters in New Jersey. One of our contractors used to work for them and he managed to get us a peek at the car. Unfortunately, we weren't even allowed to sit in it, much less drive it. Still, hearing it rev up was good enough for me. I had one Ferrari experience already and realized that these cars can be more of a hassle than they're worth. Being a Porsche man, I like sports cars with style, but also a deal of practicality.

I once swapped my lowly car (a 2000 Boxster at the time) with a client for a chance to drive his 2001 360 Spider (with the snazzy F1 transmission) for a day. At first you get a massive adrenaline rush, especially with everybody noticing you, but when the reality sets in that you're driving a car that's worth as much as some houses, you begin to get paranoid. People try to race you, they want you to play rough. Even going in to get some coffee from Dunkin Donuts, I noticed a few people going up to it and touching it. I had originally planned to take my girlfriend in it to the mall, but instead, we just drove around for a while. Suffice to say, I ended up giving the car back early - too much of a hassle. Though, if I had semi-unlimited funds, I suppose it would be a thrill to own. Here's hoping.


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