"I hid the body ... Now what?

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Police nowadays have to take things very seriously, and with budget cuts pranks like this can sometimes land people in really hot water due to the costs associated with responding. For example, if you go hiking on Mount Rainier here, and you don't stop by a Ranger station and tell them where you plan on going, and you happen to get into trouble, then when the helicopter rescues you, you'll get a nice bill from the police and park authorities for the cost of fuel and wages it took to send out that helicopter and rescue crew.

Except that you are knowingly forfeiting your right to free transportation and rescue. Here, she didn't actually send it to a police officer, it was a mistake.

Also, it was sent to his private phone, was it not? This makes him an individual, he decided to be a police officer about it.

People don't report crimes to police officer's private phones.

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'I just hid the body, now what?'

'oh thats so lol, ROFL!1one they deserved it lmaoplanes!1one lim(sin(x) x->1)'

'u laughing at moi?'


Oh yes I could totally see how that would be funny... No, wait - I can't.

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are you stupid? What if it had been an actual murder. then you would bitch about how the cop didn't take it seriously. Murder is an incredibly serious crime, if there is a slight chance there was one, its going to be investigated.


Do you have any idea in what kind of trouble that cop would get if he didn't report such an SMS and have it investigated if this was a real case of murder?

That man would be effed for life.

Glassed Silver:mac

hahaha seriously ?

When has a murder ever been solved because someone was backwards enough to send a text saying they had hid the body ?


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hahaha seriously ?

When has a murder ever been solved because someone was backwards enough to send a text saying they had hid the body ?


Well the odds of sending such a text to a cop by accident are slim, but they are there.

What's your point?

Glassed Silver:mac

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Well the odds of sending such a text to a cop by accident are slim, but they are there.

Glassed Silver:mac

exactly...criminals are dumb often times..I remember a woman got sent to jail after admitting murder on live radio or something i can't remember.Cops have to take it seriously no matter what

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