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Fuse-encfs can't open some directories with special chars



I installed encfs and fuse in mac os x through https://www.macports.org/ for dropbox file encryption. I do the following to mount the encrypted files,

echo password | encfs -S /Users/user/.DROPBOXX/Dropbox /Users/user/Dropbox -o ro[/CODE]

The problem with the mounted point is that I cannot see anything within directories with special characters through Finder, I open the folder and it is all blank. That can only be done using cd and ls in terminal or copying the files in the mounting point to another location

[CODE]cp -r ~/Dropbox ~/Desktop/ [/CODE]

. I tried to see the directory permissions through Finder and it says that

You have unknown access
but if I use ls -l it replies:

[CODE]dr-x-wx--- 5 user staff 170 16 Dez 20:05 programa??o[/CODE]

for example which means that I can enter the directory and view its contents. The same happens with other folders with characters like accents, tilds, etc but not with files.

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