"Secure Connection Failed" error

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Reported, but I have no idea what ocsp is :s






Firefox recently turned it on with other features and also disabled few cipher suites.

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OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is method of checking if cert has been revoked..  Newer version of CRLs




Does seem like there is a bit of an issue


budman@ubuntu:~$ openssl ocsp -issuer chain.pem -cert neowin.pem -text -url http://ocsp2.globalsign.com/
OCSP Request Data:
    Version: 1 (0x0)
    Requestor List:
        Certificate ID:
          Hash Algorithm: sha1
          Issuer Name Hash: 5E197415FEDA9457748D31113EB36E5E47FBE18F
          Issuer Key Hash: 5D46B28DC44B741CBBEDF573B63AB7388F759E7E
          Serial Number: 1121888B5C3387E608A18F735BBFB0B6C13C
    Request Extensions:
        OCSP Nonce:
Error querying OCSP responsder
3074397884:error:27076072:OCSP routines:PARSE_HTTP_LINE1:server response error:ocsp_ht.c:250:Code=403,Reason=Forbidden


You can get your oscp url via checking the cert


budman@ubuntu:~$ openssl s_client -connect neowin.net:443 2>&1 < /dev/null | sed -n '/-----BEGIN/,/-----END/p' > neowin.pem
budman@ubuntu:~$ openssl x509 -noout -ocsp_uri -in neowin.pem

So yeah you got an issue.it seems..



Hmmm --- its been a while since I have had to do this.. Maybe I am not doing it correct.. Let me double check this..  But I know I pulled your oscp url correctly..  But you have to pull the full chain, I might be messing up the test there.. Let me double check.



So to me your ocsp url is http://ocsp2.globalsign.com/gsorganizationvalg2


But get a 403 error on the url.  So yeah that would cause problem with checking the cert.. I have to run for work.. But will look into this a bit more if get a chance.

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