Site branded with PC Magazine?

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Anyone else seeing this?


One of the ads it appears puts a PC magazine branding on the site...





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Name: AD TAG - Holiday Gift Guide - Microsoft
Date: 2014/04/07
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You missed the news that Neobond sold the site to PC Magazine last week?  Where have you been?



j/k :P

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happening again today... the PC Magazine logo always works itself into view, they seem to be calculating its position to always be on the bottom left no mater where you are on the page

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I never even heard of dvan, but this isn't malware, I am seeing it at work also on a completely different network

pretty sure he meant scan


but yeah that does rule out malware if it's in more than 1 network

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If you look at the HTML for the page, you get a bit of ad code which is also pasted above, which appears to be an ad that is on the page. I get the same code at both locations

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No PC Mag on Chrome Version 39.0.2171.65 m (64-bit).


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It's not there all the time, just when a PC Magazine ad shows

That's going to make it a bit tricky for others to replicate. Given my location I don't think I've ever seen an advert for PC Mag.

As such, I haven't seen this issue so far. ;)

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That's going to make it a bit tricky for others to replicate. Given my location I don't think I've ever seen an advert for PC Mag.

As such, I haven't seen this issue so far. ;)

yeah, that's why I included the contents of the Ad's div so you can see what happened

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