Hackers That Took Down PSN and Xbox Live Now Selling Their DDoS Attack

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The hacker group that calls itself the Lizard Squad took down PSN and Xbox Live last week with a massive DDoS attack. Now, it looks like they're selling the attack as a service to anyone who can pay.
The attacks last week screwed things up for gamers who wanted to play their newly unwrapped toys. It turns out the Lizard Squad may not have just been messing around. They may have been using the attacks as marketing for a theoretically legitimate stress testing (read: DDoS) service they just started selling.


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Comical that their site starts up with a "DDoS protection by CloudFare" notice on the bottom.

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Wonder who the first scummy commercial AV will be selling DDoS Protection to Home users. You heard it here first.....


Your internet going slow? You need DDoS Protection Plus from Scummy AV Corp.

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