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Yeah, they've certainly had the time, but if they don't recognize it as a problem that needs to be fixed it won't be.

as said before mate, they wont because it sells bucketloads in its current state, you don't tinker with a cash generator broken (or not if suckers buy it in their droves, they keep spitting them out), you mistake the developers for people who care and love their product, when in reality its about keeping ROI as high as possible to keep shareholders happy in the AGM.


You want that kind of love n support from the Dev team?, look at Indie developers, big Triple A ones lost that uniqueness years ago when it became corporate business. They aint in it to make titles you love, they are in it to make money from anything your willing to fork out for, plain and simple.


Why do you think its almost a yearly upgrade? to milk more money for the same old tired platform, exactly why were seeing nothing but remakes of movies these days, itll sell even if its rank, as people will want to see the remake then to realise its crap, doesn't matter the box office ratings look good!


Low risk, high return, welcome to business. < the cash cow!

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This is not the case simply because you would have to have played extensively to be able to find the problem in the first place. In life you pay a price to learn from something whether it's time, or money. Why do you think people say time is money? If you think about it, they're absolutely correct. All goods and services are bound by the amount of time someone invested in. In this case it's us the players who payed money and invested heavy hours into the COD franchise.


I don't quite follow you....


I mean, if you find that COD is currently a broken game then why would you buy the next one? I haven't bought COD for years because he issues were always the same and it wasn't changing.

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I haven't had a "broken" COD yet. I actually find COD to be one of the most stable titles I have, especially multilplayer.

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I'll be honest, I feel like the series peaked around CoD4/World at War, mainly because 4 was so different to what we had already previously, and World at War was bringing back the "standard" CoD setting (at the time) while making use of 4's improvements. Beyond that I feel they just went for the effect of adding more cool and not really considering much else.


I think they should just take the current formula, wipe the slate clean and start afresh, back in either the WW2 or even better, WW1 setting and just make use of what used to make it great. The issue is, modern shooters fail to entertain me now, I find most of my time sunk into either other genres or TF2.

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