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Abit and Asus fluffing the Nforce 2 ball?

NVIDIA HAS BEEN mightily cheesed off with some of the coverage of Nforce 2 that has appeared on the INQ before. Now there're another couple of problems that have surfaced. These aren't Nvidia's problems directly; they're problems with Abit and Asus. Nvidia is a very sharp company and doesn't like its partners reflecting badly on it either. It seems that both Abit and Asus have problems with their Silicon Image SATA RAID controller. More than that, Asus is proving less than capable at getting 400MHz FSB Athlons to work on its Nforce 2 motherboards despite Abit having managed the feat with a simple BIOS upgrade.

The RAID problem was brought to our attention by some readers who had found that trying to use a SATA RAID 0 set up is a real no go. Both the Asus and Abit implementations cause severe data corruption according to several readers. It's that nasty that they have complained that even Windows stops booting after just 5 or 6 boots.

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News source: The Inq

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