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Activision and id preparing more Doom

Less than two months after Doom 3's release, its first expansion pack is being summoned from the depths of hell; no release date yet.

On August 3, id Software and Activision capped years of development and finally released Doom 3, the most anticipated PC game this side of Half-Life 2. Less than two months later, the two companies have announced an expansion to the graphically groundbreaking first-person shooter.

Called Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, the expansion is (unsurprisingly) set after the events of Doom 3. when the space marine uncovers an ancient and evil artifact in the depths of hell. Unluckily for him, the denizens of Hades want their malevolent knick-knack back, leading to another round of fiery marine-on-demon action. Activision promises the game will hold "new locations, characters and weapons," most notably the double-barreled shotgun, which made its first appearance in Doom 2. The title will require the full retail version of Doom 3 to play and has not yet been rated by the ESRB--though it's a safe bet that it will be rated "M" for Mature.

News source: GameSpot

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