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Amazon opens Web services shop

Amazon.com is catching the Web services wave.

The e-commerce superstore has set up a new program that will allow third-party Web site operators to incorporate features and content from Amazon's site into their sites.

Web site operators will be able to incorporate Amazon's product reviews and descriptions, as well as its search system, wish lists and other features. Amazon will not charge Web site owners who use its features.

"We think it will improve their Web sites, increasing traffic to their sites," company spokeswoman Patty Smith said. "Theoretically, it will drive more purchases and more commissions (to the Web site operators)."

The program builds on Amazon's long-standing affiliates program, which pays commissions to Web site owners for referring customers to Amazon. The commissions can be as much as 15 percent of the price of the item. Under the affiliates program, however, site owners could only display a simple link to a book or product on Amazon.

News source: Cnet

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