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AMD loves Microsoft

AMD has come out fighting for Microsoft in its antitrust case.

Jerry Sanders, AMD chairman, is to testify today, and will tell the court that the nine states which want Microsoft to release a cut-down, modular version of Windows, are wrong.

Both consumers and system builders benefit from having a standard Windows - A modular Windows would just make life harder for everyone, he reckons, according to

this AP report.

Sanders will be the first of approx. 30 witnesses testifying for Microsoft over the next few weeks.

Microsoft and AMD are on increasingly friendly terms, but it will be sometime before Intel will feel threatened. Remember the launch of WinXP - Intel was reputed to have coughed up $300m for joint promotions with Microsoft. AMD made do with appending XP to its desktop Athlon brand.

News source: The Register - AMD loves Microsoft (true)

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