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Apple Wi-Fi hack revealed

HACKER JOHN ELLCHE known in the Black Hat world as Johnny Cache, has opened a can of worms by telling the world about a Apple Wi-Fi exploit at the Black Hat and DEFCON convention last month. Ellch and co-presenter Dave Maynor went silent after the announcement and the Apple fanboys, who don't like the concept of their favourite machines having security holes, have had a field day dismissing the pair's claims as a hoax.

Ellch seems to have a gutsful of his credibility being questioned by religious loonies who base their point of view of faith in Steve Jobs rather than anything technical and has started to explain why everything went quiet. He said that Secureworks insisted on being exceedingly responsible and doesn't want to release any details about anything until Apple issued a patch. He hit out at the Mac Blogger community saying that it made no sense to discuss it with them because most of them wouldn't understand the explanation if he gave it.

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News source: The Inq

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