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This is a very interesting email from the author of the backstealth utility. It appears i owe zone alarm an appolgy!


I am the author of Backstealth utility and I have read in the forum some information about my tool and the ZoneAlarm firewall. ZoneAlarm haven't any security problem with my utility, becuase filter itself outbound connection and however it isn't included into my exploit.

The declarations of Sygate are false. If Sygate have some informations [on how] to use [the] Backstealth [utility] against ZoneAlarm firewall please post me, but in the other case please don't write FALSE comment about my tool.

Excuse me for my english. (magoo : dont worry dude - its better than mine :-))


Paolo Iorio.

Does this mean the mighty zone alarm is still virtually undefeatable? Superb - i can now sleep easily again. Sorry for pushing sygates "side" of the story.

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