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Conroe performance on a Mac

Our curiosity got the better of us and we decided to "setup a Mac" with the equipment available to us. Its really no secret that a "home installable" version of the Intel OS X has been floating on the "scene" for sometime now and we used one such version based on 10.4.6 version of the O/S. Hardware-wise, we used Intel's 975X motherboard with a Core 2 Xtreme CPU running at 2.93GHz along with 2GB Corsair RAM running at DDR2-800MHz speed.

Lets start this article by going into a bit of history for people that aren't familiar with Apple's recent transition. About a year ago, all Macs that Apple sold were powered by the G4 or G5 PowerPC CPU by IBM and Apple had gone to great lengths to show the superiority of these PowerPC CPUs over Intel's Pentium line of CPUs.

However, and this is just my opinion, IBM couldn't keep up with Apple's demands for performance from their CPUs and this was evident when Apple's CEO Mr. Steve Jobs promised a 3.0GHz PowerPC based Mac within a year over three years ago. IBM still hasn't delivered a 3.0Ghz G5 CPU. Apple saw this coming and a little over a year ago, they announced the move to Intel CPUs for all their products.

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