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Dean Kamen Set to Unveil Mysterious 'IT' Invention

``IT,'' the mysterious, much- hyped invention that a down-on-its-luck hi-tech world has seized on as a possible revolutionary breakthrough in the realm of personal transportation, is ready to be unveiled on Monday.

Good Morning America confirmed today that they will be revealing 'IT' on their Monday, December 3 broadcast.

IT, also known by the code-name ``Ginger,'' is said to be some sort of personal Hovercraft or radical new transportation device, perhaps one that relies on an emission-free Stirling engine that recycles much of its own heat.

Accomplished inventor Dean Kamen is set to detail his plans in newspaper and television interviews early next week, a spokesman said, putting an end to nearly a year of wild media frenzy and Web-chat speculation over the nature of what IT is.

The 50-year-old Kamen invented the first portable insulin pump in the 1970s, then a briefcase-sized dialysis machine and more recently a stair-climbing wheelchair. He lives and works outside of Manchester, New Hampshire, where his DEKA Research & Development Corp. employs around 165 employees.

Kamen himself has refused to talk about his plans in public. Instead, he has used media interviews and frequent hi-tech and scientific conference appearances to promote his pet philanthropy, For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST).

News source: yahoo news

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