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Dell has no plans to use AMD chips

Thanks xStainDx. PC maker Dell said Wednesday it had no plans to use Advanced Micro Devices chips in its products as corporate customers are not asking for that.

Dell will stick to using chips made by Intel in its desktop, laptop computers and servers, Dell President and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Rollins told students at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business.

"If you look at the corporate market, which is where 85 percent of our business is today, the corporate user has not yet found confidence in AMD and so most of the corporations use Intel," he said. "Where AMD has gained a good foothold is in the consumer space. That has not been the primary focus of Dell strategically."

He added, however, that Dell tests every AMD chip, including its new 64-bit Opteron processor, in its labs.

"The most recent run of both Athlon and Opteron chips have been better than anything we've seen them do before so we would never say never," Rollins said of Sunnyvale, Calif.-based AMD.

View: Complete article at CNet News

News source: CNet News

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