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Endless Saga cancelled

1up.com has reported that one of the Playstation 3's first big RPG's has now been cancelled.
Webzen, the company developing the game promised a huge, beautiful and of course massively multiplayer rpg experience back in July of last year. A neat trailer was shown, and indeed the game looked at that time, beautiful. Unfortunately, since July 2005, nothing has been seen of the game since then. Fan site PS3Land was the first to approach Webzen about the situation. They were told it was cancelled. 1up.com confirms this today, as they have also contacted Webzen's PR people and they were also told that indeed that game had been canned.
According to Webzen, "It's not uncommon for a videogame company to reduce their product portfolio in their development pipeline, and we did just that. The company made the decision to cancel development on Endless Saga," Continuing Webzen also stated "As a game, it was still very early in development and the employees and resources for that product have been reallocated to other projects within the company, and currently our primary goals are launching Soul of the Ultimate Nation, Huxley and All Points Bulletin on a global level, and many of the resources from Endless Saga have been allocated to those projects."
It is really a shame Endless Saga was cancelled, but that is the nature of the gaming business we all love so much. We just have to hope that Webzen continues to develop all the games they mentioned, and get them out to the public so they can enjoy them.
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