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Enter the Dragon. China talks Chips.

Chinese government officials and private companies joined hands on Monday to promote a homegrown computer chip in their push for a domestic information technology industry that is less reliant on foreign companies.

Unveiled in September, the "Dragon" central processing unit boasts speeds between 200MHz and 260MHz, roughly equivalent to models that global chip leader Intel first marketed between 1995 and 1997.

The Chinese chip is likely to be used in applications requiring less speed than the fastest chips now available.

Officials from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Ministry of Information Industry, electronics giant Haier Group, Linux developers Red Flag Software and server provider Dawning Corp all pledged support for the chip at a news conference.

Li Guo Jie, director of the Institute of Computing Technology under CAS, said he expected the chip to meet the needs of a niche market despite its limitations.

"People won't buy the chip just because it's home-made," he told a news conference. "It must be competitive and fit market needs."

News source: c|net

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