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Guru of 3D reviews Prolink GeForce 6600 GT AGP

Today's product review over at Guru of 3D is a product from the well respected manufacturer Prolink. The product tested is their GeForce 6600 GT in a nice AGP flavor. Ever since Christmas 2004 (seems like a long time eh?) when the AGP version of the GeForce 6600GT became available, these little puppies have been flying over the counter. They are hot, wanted and they are selling. And they should be selling as the GeForce 6600 GT offers really nice performance with a feature set that is completely up-to-date for a price that most of you are willing to spend, if you are a gamer that is.

    When we tweak the product we see some nice overclocking potential, the 562 MHz core is good and boosting another 200 MHz out of its memory again will bring you an extra overall performance increase. So here you have this AGP 8x product with great performance, is 100% stable in an AGP 8x configuration (we did not have one crash).
View: Prolink GeForce 6600 GT AGP review @ Guru3D

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