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Hello Sempron; AMD's ''Always-Ron'' CPU

AnandTech has the latest information about AMD's Sempron processor. Sempron won't have 64-bit capabilities as previously thought. Sempron has 256k of L2 cache, and Sempron runs at 62W.

As it is no secret, Athlon XP officially dies Q2, 2005. This time next year there will be no more Bartons or Thoroughbreds to whet your Socket A palette. However; Socket A looks to be here to stay for quite some time. In the US, Europe and parts of Asia we are constantly spoiled with the newest of the new CPUs, memory and motherboards. But the most prolific processors in the ROW market (Rest of World) remains the discontinued Duron! South American markets are just beginning to adopt Athlon XP. So perhaps for AMD the solution is not to simply phase out all of Athlon XP, Duron and Socket A, but build a new processor that mildly bridges the lower Western markets with the Rest of the World. Enter Sempron.

News source: AnandTech

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