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Hovver Bovver: The Movie

April 10, 2006 - Consolevania, the online videogame review and comedy show that spawned the BBC TV series "videoGaiden," is pleased to announce that the show has acquired the exclusive movie rights to Jeff Minter's classic game "Hover Bovver."

The movie will go into pre-production in May 2006.

"We're delighted to have finally secured the rights to this property," said Robert Florence, of Consolevania. "It has always been a dream of mine to bring that loveable lawnmower-stealing rogue Gordon Bennet to the big screen, and I relish the challenge ahead."

Consolevania's latest episode, the adults-only "Consolevania XXX" has just been released at www.consolevania.com

News source: ConsolevaniaAbout Consolevania
Consolevania is a freely distributed, non-profit show and has been running for over two years. In 2005, the Consolevania team was commissioned by the BBC to create a videogame review series for BBC Scotland. The show, "videoGaiden," was a critical success and will return for a second series in late 2006. For information, please visit www.consolevania.com

About Jeff Minter
Jeff Minter is a legendary British computer/video game designer and programmer. He is the founder of software Llamasoft, and recently finished work on "Neon," the interactive light synth included within the Xbox 360 console.

About Hover Bovver
Hover Bovver was released on the Commodore 64 in 1983.

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