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How AMD will position the Athlon 64

WHEN AMD RELEASES its first Athlon 64 microprocessor on the 23rd of September, it's got different messages depending on which slabs of the market it sells to. Documents seen by the INQ show that AMD is, in general, positioning the Athlon 64 as "the only Windows compatible 64 bit PC processor". The messages are aimed at "tech savvy" consumers, small and medium businesses, and what AMD calls the "commercial" market.

Tech Savants

AMD will tell the tech savvy that this gives them "astonishing and true to life digital entertainment experiences". The Tech Savants can "escape into a movie like gaming experience and get set for the next wave of 3D interactive games". The Athlon 64 will run next gen software with compatibility for current applications. The integrated DDR memory controller and HypeTransport will "outpace the technology curve with a technically superior PC processor".

Small Businessmen

Businessmen below 5'6" are to be told that AMD64 is revolutionary technology that "stretches your IT dollar". It gives "breakthrough application performance", and "mazimises performance on 32-bit apps. The small businessmen can move to 64-bit computing at their own pace, without sacrificing hardware or software. They can also get out the battery leads and "jumpstart productivity" with better performance for popular business applications.

News source: The Inq

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