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HTC, T-Mobile to go the Smartphone Route

Thanks BOFH for this. Microsoft have secured themselves another contributer to the mobile communications cause today, as HTC (High Tech Computer Corp) announced its second Windows Powered Smartphone 2002-based handset.

The new GSM/GPRS handset, details of which were first revealed on the Federal Communications Commission's web site last month, will be launched with Deutsche Telekom AG's T-Mobile International mobile network unit this quarter.

This is good news for the public image of Microsoft's cellphone OS, but bad news for Symbian's PDA-based equivelent, formely known as EPOC.

The unit bears a close resemblance to both the SPV device designed by HTC last year for Orange SA, and mm02's XDA. It seems as if designs in the GPRS/3G field will be less diverse than was previously expected, which could pose problems if the "universal" design is deemed unsuitable by customers.

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News source: MSBetas.net

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