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IE6.0 SP1 RTW to be build 2800.1082

Thanks to my mate Vla for spotting this one over at Microsoft. It appears that due to an error on their page over their they have let the url slip for the North American location to the Release To Web (RTW) version of IE6.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

If you go here you are presented with an URL that reads:

    "https://iedist/ie60/rtw/bld2800.1082/x86/en/cab/","Download Site","EN","North America"
Which might indicate that that is the final build number and that a release is imminent. IE6 is well over a year old now and SP1 will be a welcome upgrade for the users having to "patch-up" from clean installs of WinXP (for example) in just one year Windows Update already offers
55MB of recommended & critical updates. Those Service Packs come in handy with their including of all the hot-fixes you need into one package.

We'll keep an eye on the site, but so can you now. We'll let you know as soon as anything changes :)

View: Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 Site listing

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